
Time, March 22, 1963
Cassius Clay Cassius Clay won the gold medal in the Olympic Games in Rome in 1960 at age 18.
Clay boasted he would be heavyweight champion by the age of 21. Clay turned pro and over the next three years beat most of the top contenders. He often predicted the round in which
he would knock out his opponent.
In early 1963, Clay was rated the number 3 top contender.

"Doug Jones will fall in four!"
Cassius Clay vs. Doug Jones
New York City,
March 1963 or
Jones, on the left, almost knocked Clay down one minute into the
fight. Clay stumbled backwards and fell into the ropes.
It was a close fight. No knockdowns. The fight went the
limit. At the end of ten rounds the fight looked like a draw. Some at ringside thought Jones won. The Associated
Press scored the fight 5-4-1 for Jones. United Press International scored it 6-3-1 for Clay.
Clay was
awarded a unanimous ten-round decision. The two judges scored the fight 5-4-1 for Clay. The referee scored the fight
8-1-1 for Clay. Of course, no one agreed with the referee. The crowd booed the decision and threw debris into the ring.
was Clay's toughest fight in his boxing career to date.
Clay was
not in the same class as the champion Sonny Liston. He certainly did not have the punching
power that Liston had.
"Henry Cooper will fall in five!"
Cassius Clay vs. Henry Cooper
London, June 1963
Cooper knocked Clay down in the fourth. The bell rang. Clay
got up after three seconds.
Clay cut up Cooper's left eye and the referee
stopped the fight in the fifth round.
Clay won by a TKO. Clay looked better in his fight against Cooper.
Clay was the number two contender, after
Floyd Patterson.
The Champion
Charles 'Sonny' Liston
Sonny Liston won the world heavyweight boxing championship title with a one-round
knockout of Floyd Patterson in 1962. Liston had beat all the contenders before fighting Patterson. There was nobody left to
fight. An up and coming fighter, Cassius Clay, was not quite ready.
Sonny Liston with Joe Louis.

Sonny Liston with his wife, Geraldine
contract with Patterson included a mandatory rematch clause if Patterson lost. So, there was a rematch.
The Rematch
Liston defends the title against Patterson
Las Vegas, July 22, 1963
The rematch picked up where the first fight left off.
Liston knocked Patterson down less than a minute into the fight.
Patterson got up. Liston knocked him down twice more. Patterson was counted out in 2 minutes and ten seconds of the first
Clay climbed into the ring after
the fight and boasted: "Liston
will fall in eight!"
Before the Liston-Patterson
rematch, Clay was the number two contender. After Liston's
repeat one-round knockout of Patterson in 1963, Clay was the top contender.
I am the Greatest!
I am the Greatest!
Excerpts from a record album by Cassius Clay in August 1963.
Cassius Clay recording the album in New York City in 1963.
"Sonny Liston is great
But he must fall in eight!"
The Champ visits England
Liston rides a horse through Newcastle, in northeast England,
on 16 September 1963.
Liston on a visit to Scotland in September 1963.
On November 5, 1963, Clay signed to fight Liston in 1964.
The Challenger
Mighty Mouth, The Louisville Lip
Clay was a 7-1 underdog. It was believed Liston would make quick work of Clay and
silence him for good. That would be the end of the self-deluded blabber mouth.
The champion, Liston, and the challenger, Clay, exchange banters
Cassius Clay on The Jerry Lewis Show
2 clips:
Liston replies to reporters: "Clay won't
last four rounds."
Freedom March
Lincoln Memorial
Washington, D. C.
August 28, 1963
More than 200,000 gather at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington,
D. C. to demand equal civil rights for all.
Martin Luther King Jr., leader of the cvil rights movement, addresses
the crowd.
I Have a Dream
Martin Luther King, Jr.
The Beatles
They came from England. There were four
of them. Their names were John, Paul and George. Which one was which was not easy to tell but they played the guitars.
The darling of the group was Ringo, the drummer. Everyone knew Ringo Starr.
They were from the big port
city of Liverpool in the west of England.
1962 - 1963
The creator of the group and its leader
was John Lennon (1940 - 1980). Paul McCartney, born in 1942, became its leader in 1967. George Harrison (1943 - 2001) was
the third guitarist. The three sang and played together since the mid to late-1950s. Ringo Starr, born in 1940, joined
the group as its drummer in late 1962. They remained together to 1970.
They were known mostly for their haircuts, or
hairstyle, which became popular the world over, called the Beatle haircut. Kids said they wore Beatle haircuts to
be non-conformist and 'different'.
They were also known for punctuating their songs on stage with the wild shaking of their heads quickly from
side to side as they sang 'Ewwwwhhhh', which made the girls scream.
Love Me Do Please Please Me
From Me to You She Loves You I Want to Hold Your Hand Roll Over Beethoven Please Mister Postman Ask Me Why I Saw Her Standing
Richard Starkey ('Ringo Starr')
Left to right: Paul McCartney, John Lennon and George Harrison.
1964 All My Loving Twist and Shout Can't Buy Me love
Do You Want to Know a Secret? A Hard Day's Night And I Love Her
1965 Eight Days
a Week Ticket to Ride Help! Yesterday
1966 Michelle Paperback Writer Yellow Submarine Eleanor Rigby
The Ugly American
Hollywood movie - 1963
Marlon Brando as American ambassador Harrison Carter MacWhite
Eiji Okada as Deong, the popular national leader of Sarkhan, a country in Southeast Asia
Kukrit Pramoj as Prime Minister of Sarkhan
Filmed in Hollywood and Thailand
John F. Kennedy
Ngo Dinh Diem
November 1963
South Vietnamese leader killed
November 1 - 2, 1963
Map of communist North Vietnam and
democratic South Vietnam, 1954 - 1975
President Diem, brother Nhu killed
The Telegram, Canada, November 1963
Ngo Dinh Diem, Prime Minister
of South Vietnam (1954 - 1955),
President of the Republic of Vietnam
(South Vietnam) (1955 - 1963)
Ngo Dinh Nhu, Diem's younger
brother and advisor
Trần Lệ Xuân (Madame Nhu), wife of
Ngo Dinh Nhu and Diem's sister-in-law,
left. The First Lady.
The Hidden War in Vietnam
Episode from the US Army TV
documentary series The Big Picture
U.S. Army Advisor in Vietnam
Episode from the US Army TV documentary series The
Big Picture
The Fight
for Vietnam
Episode from the US Army TV documentary series The Big Picture
Press Conference, South Vietnamese Embassy,
October 1, 1963
President Kennedy
Press Conference
Press Conference
October 31, 1963
Death of a Regime
CBS News Extra
President Kennedy
The last press conference
November 14, 1963
Audio only
Film footage
Madame Nhu Leaves U. S., But May Be Back
British Pathé
Vietnam 1963
Revision and Reassessment
Lectures by Robert Miller, John Prados, Jessica Chapman, Edward Miller, Pierre Asselin with Q & A
New York Military Affairs Symposium
November 8, 2013 (2
hrs., 2, min. 27 sec.)
John Kennedy, right, with his
younger brother, Robert Kennedy,,
Attorney General
Kennedy with McGeorge Bundy,
National Security Advisor
Kennedy with Robert McNamara,
Secretary of Defense
Kennedy with Pierre Salinger,
Presidential Press Secretary
John and Jacqueline Kennedy
Cold War:
The Kennedy Years
Episode 6 of the documentary series Secrets of War narrated by
Charlton Heston (1998) (44:54)
The Assassination of a President
On November 22, 1963, the American president, John F.
Kennedy, was assassinated in Dallas, Texas.
Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas











taken in 2013 of Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas, where President John Kennedy was assassinated fifty years earlier, in 1963.
On the left are the grassy knoll and the seven-story Texas School Book Depository building on Elm Street, (AP Photo/LM Otero)

Aerial photo of Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas in 1963. Elm Street is on the left. At the top of Elm Street,
on the left, is the Texas School Book Depository (TSBD) building. Between Elm Street and the parking lot, left, is the grassy
knoll. At the bottom of the photo is the railroad Triple Overpass (also known as the Triple Underpass).
The Presidential Limousine
In the above press photo, taken moments before the assassination, President Kennedy
sits in the back seat of the presidential limousine. Seated beside him is his wife, the First Lady, Jacqueline Kennedy.
In the jump seat in front of the president are the governor of Texas John Connally
and the First Lady of Texas Nellie Connally. In the front seat are two secret service agents.
President Kennedy waves to the crowd one minute before the assassination. Beside
him is the First Lady, Mrs. Kennedy. In the jump seat before the Kennedys are Mr. and Mrs. Connally.
by Associated Press photographer James Altgens.

Following the presidential limousine is the secret
service escort car.
on the front end of the running board of the left side of the secret service car, in a dark suit and dark glasses, is Clint
Hill, the secret service agent assigned to protect the First Lady, Mrs. Kennedy.
Photo by James Altgens.
The assassination was captured in 26 seconds of movie film by a local
Dallas garment manufacturer and amateur film maker, Abraham Zapruder.

Abraham Zapruder with
his 8-mm. Bell & Howell
Zoomatic Director Series
Model 414 PD movie camera
Zapruder and his assistant,
Sitzman, stood atop a white stone
to the rigjt of the motorcade
as it passed before them.
was a loud sound, like a firecracker or car backfire or a gun shot, from above and behind the presidential motorcade.
A cropped frame from the home movie film of Abraham Zapruder a moment
after the loud firecracker sound above and behind the presidential motorcade.
A color slide taken
from the left of the presidential motorcade by Phillip LaFrance Willis shows Kennedy (indicated by the arrow) looking to his
right as the motorcade approaches the grassy knoll (in the distance beyond the street) and a moment before he was shot the
first time, in the upper back.
Abraham Zapruder
and an assistant, Marilyn Sitzman, are seen in the
distance, to the right of the road sign, standing atop
a white wall.
There was a second loud noise, like a gunshot, and the president's
arms, with the elbows bent and out, drew up to his chin, his clutched fists together at the throat.
The governor reacted at the same moment with a sudden
violent upward motion of the forearms.
The above photo
is a frame, # 230, from an 8-mm. home movie taken by Abraham Zapruder. The view is from the right of the motorcade.
President Kennedy, left, in the back seat, reacts to the first bullet to
hit him, in the upper back, just below the neck.
The governor twists around slowly.
In the above frame, # 246, of the Zapruder film, Mrs. Kennedy tends to the president, placing
a hand on his left elbow.
The governor is twisting around toward the back seat.

The presidential limousine,
front, heading down Elm Street and towards the grassy knoll.
The Texas School Book Depository building is behind the motorcade, to the
left. The photo was taken from the the street curb, left of the motorcade.
Following the president's limousine is the secret service escort car flanked
by motorcycle policemen. The policemen are looking at the president.
In the centre of the photo, standing on the running board of the left side
of the secret service car, in dark suit and dark glasses, Secret Service agent Clint Hill is looking at the president.
Standing on the right running board, the two secret service agents have
turned their heads around to look in the direction of the shot.
In the back seat, the president's arms are out to the sides and bent at
the elbow, and the governor is twisting around to his right. (Zoom in for close-up view.) Photo
by Associated Press photographer James W. Altgens
There was a third shot, from above and behind.

In the above frame,
# 312, of the Zapruder film, Mrs. Kennedy tends to her husband. The governor lies on his back over his wife. The
president's head pitches slightly forward. Many believe that this was the moment of bullet impact, hitting the back of
the president's head.
The next moment, part of the president's right upper skull was torn off.

Frame 313

The next frame of the Zapruder film, # 313, shows the moment the top
front right quarter of the president's head is shattered by the bullet.
Below is the entire Zapruder film - all 446 frames
- at normal speed, with the image stabilised. The numbers indicate the frames.

Below is the Zapruder film from the moment the limousine emerges from behind the road sign,
in slow motion, zoomed in on the limousine.

The same footage with a closer zoom on the limousine.

The fatal head shot
Below is the Zupruder film footage in slow motion with the camera image
stabilised and zoomed in on the fatal head shot. The numbers indicate the frames.

The same footage below

The fatal head shot, frame by frame
Six (?) frames of the Zupruder home movie with zoom in catch
the moment of bullet impact, # 312, and exit, # 313..
Most people at the scene recalled hearing three shots.
Some thought there were
four shots.
The shots were fired within
six to eight seconds.
Most people believed the
shots came from above and behind the presidential motorcade.
Some witnesses saw and heard
three shots fired at the motorcade from a far corner window of the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository building.
was generally believed that the first shot missed the presidential limousine.
the first shot missed, it was the second shot that hit the president - in the upper back, just below
the neck.
second shot hit the governor of Texas, who was sitting in front of the president. The
shot struck the governor in the right side of the back, exited his chest, went through his right
wrist and entered his left thigh.
It was possible that the first shot missed the limousine and the second
shot hit both the president and the governor.
The last shot
- the third bullet - tore off the top front quarter of the president's head
and was fatal.
Some recalled that the first shot hit the president just below
the neck and the second shot hit him in the head, and then a third shot was fired, after the fatal shot, and was wild.
One of the bullets ricocheted off the paved street surface
and a small piece of concrete cut the cheek of a bystander standing under the
overpass in front of the motorcade.
in reviewing the Zapruder film, some decided that the first bullet missed the presidential limousine and the second
bullet went through both the president and the governor.
It was claimed that a complete
bullet was recovered from a stretcher said to have carried the governor at the hospital later.
One of the bullets or bullet fragments
made a hole in the windshield of the presidential limousine.
The Undamaged Zapruder Film
Many copies of the Zapruder film are missing frames in critical
The following link is to a copy of the film
made by Zapruder before he loaned the original.
In slow motion
Zapruder film of the Assassination
Critical frames are missing from this copy
The Zapruder Film
screen and slow motion (all frames)
Frame by frame
All frames
Combined Edit Frames
Updated 2006
All 446 frames
of the Zapruder film frame by frame
JFK Assassination
Zapruder Interview
TV station, November 22, 1963
interview in 1966
Zapruder's assistant
from a British documentary series (1989)
Clint Hill
Secret Service agent assigned
to Mrs. Kennedy

Secret Service agent Clint Hill
climbing onto the back of the
presidential limousine.

Hill shielding the president and first lady.
Interview (2010)
of the U. S. Secret Service of the Assassination Report on the Assassination of President Kennedy
December 18, 1963
Texas School Book
Depository Building

Arrow indicates sixth-story
corner window of the Texas School Book Depository building from which three shots
were reported to have been fired at the motorcade.

View of Elm Street from
the corner window of the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository
Witness Amos Euins
Witness Harold Norman
in England in 1986
Witness Howard Brennan
John Connally, Governor of Texas
John and Nellie Connally
at Parkland Hospital on November 29, 1963 (AP photo)
was hit by a bullet in the rght side of his upper back.
Parkland Hospital
November 27, 1963 (19:04)
June 22, 1964
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7zH-oqqrLg (8:01)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGfhzczs1fI (7:49)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Q40kO48nrs (5:24)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4svgOqQmS3o (5:23)
June 15, 1991 (4:29)
Nellie Connally
First Lady of Texas
Larry King Live
6 clips
1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxvS6kD22R0
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ibz-d5CptX8
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Di6rOVDrmXk
4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBWMHu6Na3E
5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7iCP7Wtatzg
6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lEKwPg-Dto
injured by-stander

James Tague, standing under the
railroad overpass,
was injured by a bullet fragment
or pieces of
concrete blasted from the curb
by a bullet strike.
Tague interview
Mark Lane, 1966
many shots were fired?
from a Walter Cronkite CBS-TV documentary

Front page of the
Springfield Daily News, Springfield, Massachusetts evening newspaper, November 22, 1963
General Dwight D.
U. S. President from 1953
to 1961
Comments to reporters on
November 22, 1963
there more than one assassin?
Most believed the fatal head shot came from above and behind the president.
But many thought it came from the right of the motorcade.
Plaza in 1963

points and direction of the motorcade.

to the map:
Southeast corner window of the 6th floor of
the Texas School Book Depository Building B.
The Grassy Knoll C. Limosine's location when a first shot missed D. JFK hit in the upper back close to the neck by
a bullet fired from above and behind E. JFK hit in the head by a bullet fired from the right side, the Grassy Knoll, or
from above and behind F. Bystander hit by ricochet G. Abraham Zapruder, cameraman
Grassy Knoll
White Retaining Wall and the Picket

The grassy knoll moments
after the assasination.
Some witnesses
saw or heard more than one shot fired from the grassy knoll.
witnesses saw or heard a shot fired from behind a picket fence that was above the white retaining wall at the top of the grassy
knoll and to the right of the presidential motorcade.
believed the fatal shot - a third (or last) shot - was fired from the president's right and from behind
the picket fence.
Some thought that the shot or shots heard on the grassy
knoll could have been echoes of shots fired from above and behind the president.
The Picket

The above photos were taken
from a vantage point behind the picket fence.

above photo was taken by Mary Ann Moorman with a Polaroid camera from the left of the presidential motorcade at the moment
President Kennedy was hit in the head.
The shot tore off the top front right quarter
of the skull. This shot was generally believed to be the third and last shot fired at the motorcade. Beyond the motorcade, on the opposite side
of the street, is the grassy knoll with the white retaining wall. The picket fence is atop the knoll behind the wall.
From the 1960s to the 1980s photography and accoustics experts suggested there could have
been three gunmen hiding at separate points behind the picket fence and appeared in the Moorman photo.
Mary Ann Moorman Polaroid Photograph
TV, November 22, 1963
Jean Hill, ABC TV, November
22, 1963
Ann Moorman, 2011
Mary Moorman and Jean Hill
KRLD Radio, Dallas,
November 22, 1963
The Orville Nix Film
railroad workers on the Triple Overpass
Witness interviews
Willis Family
LaFrance Willis
Jean Oliver
Grassy Knoll
The White Retaining Wall
In the Willis photo, a dark area, or a dark object, indicated
by the red arrow, appears behind the corner of the white retaining wall on the grassy
knoll to the left of the road sign.

The dark area appears in several photographs taken at the same moment,
including the above photo by Hugh Betzner. The area is circled in red.
Over the years, many have imagined in this dark area a human figure
- an assassin - poised to shoot.
This dark shape was dubbed the "Black Dog Man" because it
resembles the profile of a black dog sitting atop the wall.
However, most believe this was
just a dark shaded area. If a human figure, it could only be a woman with an infant child in shadow.
Abraham Zapruder and his assistant, Marilyn Sitzman, are standing atop a white wall in the distance, to the
right of the road sign in the photo.

The above photo,
a frame from a home movie taken a
minute or so after the assassination, is of the area immediately behind the white rataining wall on the grassy knoll where the "Black Dog Man" appears
in several photos taken seconds before the assassination.
Abraham Zapruder's assistant, Marilyn Sitzman, later recalled that
in the same area, behind the white retaining wall, shortly before the assassination, there were only a black couple.
young black couple, with an infant child, appear in the left half of above photo or movie frame.
the moment of the assassination the woman and child were behind the retaining wall and the man was on the steps between the
retaining wall and the street.

The above photo is a frame
from a home movie taken by Orville Nix, just before the wounded president was fatally shot in the head.
in the foreground on the left are Mary Ann Moorman (in dark coat) and Jean Hill (in light red or dark pink coat). On
the right is a woman later identified as Beverly Oliver (in beige or light grey coat).
Three men are
standing on the steps of the walkway on the opposite side of the street. The man in the white cap is the city groundskeeper.
The black man beside him appears in the later film taken behind the retaining wall, with the black woman and child.

The above photo is a
later frame from the same home movie taken by Orville Nix, a moment after the president was fatally shot
in the head.
Two of the three men standing
on the steps on the opposite side of the street are reacting to the fatal
Standing in the foreground are Mary Ann Moorman and Jean Hill.
The man in a dark suit, running from the
Secret Service escort car to the presidential limousine, is Clint Hill, the secret service agent assigned to protect Mrs.
In the above photo, taken a moment after the president was struck in the
head by the fatal shot, the black man, reacting to the shots, is about to run up the steps to the retaining
The black woman,
dressed in light clothing, and the child she is holding in her arms, dressed in white, were the only people behind
the rataining wall at the time of the assassination.
In close-ups of
the Willis slide and other photos, some have seen the dark area as the woman and a smaller white area or object
beside her as the child she is carrying. That is probably correct.
In the Orville Nix movie, the three men on
the steps are seen running up the steps to get out of the way of the shooting. (In
general, people do not run into the direction of fire.)
The Three Tramps
Who were the three "tramps"
arrested in a boxcar in the railroad yard behind the grassy knoll shortly after the assassination?
According to Dallas police
records, they were, left to right, Harold ("Frenchy") Doyle, John F. Gedney and Gus W. Abrams - indeed
tramps and released four days later. Many years later, some journalists claimed to have tracked them down.
Harold Doyle
1. JFK Assassination
- The Three Tramps - Harold Doyle
2. Harold Doyle, one
of the Three Tramps arrested on the day of the JFK assassination
There has been speculation
to this day that the tramps actually were, left to right, Charles Frederick Rogers (aka Montoya), formerly a Shell Oil
Co. seismologist and then a CIA agent; Charles Voyde Harrelson, a hired hitman with mafia contacts; and Chauncey Marvin
Holt, a CIA operative with mafia contacts.
Rogers disappeared shortly
after the police found the decapitated parts of the bodies of his elderly parents wrapped in plastic bags in a refrigerator
in their home in Houston, Texas in 1965.
Harrelson once claimed to
have shot JFK. Later, he retracted the claim. He maintained that he was not one of the three tramps or an assassin. He
claimed that he was in a Dallas restaurant with a friend at the time of the assassination. He died in prison in 2007
while serving a life sentence for the murder of a federal judge in Texas in 1979.
Charles Voyde Harrelson
1. JFK assassination
interview with Charles Harrelson, alleged by some to be one of the Three Tramps
Chauncey Marvin Holt
Many years later, Holt claimed
that he was indeed one of the "tramps" (the third fiigure, on the right). He claimed that he brought phony secret service
badges to Dallas for distribution on the morning of the assassination. He recalled meeting many old acquaintances in
the Texas School Book Depository Building parking lot. He said he met Harrelson and the man called Montoya there too.
He was in the parking lot at the time of the assassination and, as instructed, hid in the boxcar with Harrelson and Montoya
afterward. He realized then that they had been set up as fall-guys.
Chauncey Holt
1. Spooks, Hoods &
the Hidden Elite
2. Chauncey Holt - News
Blast from the Past
3. Chauncey Marvin Holt
Dallas Interview - Lois Gibson Foresics - Dallas, TX
4. Holt on Luis Posada
and Orlando Bosch
5. Chauncey Holt on
Lee Harvey Oswald
The man on the right
in the photo was identified also as CIA agent E. Howard Hunt.
Hunt was one of the
first persons mentioned as a possible suspect in an assassination plot. He was reported to have been one of several
persons found by the police on the grassy knoll just after the shooting who claimed to be secret servicemen. Years later, Hunt said he was in Dallas on the day of the assassination.
The three tramps could have
been part of a CIA plot to assassinate Kennedy
Col. Prouty on 3 Tramps
Reasons for 50 Years
Episode 18
The new president

Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ) becomes president, taking the oath of office; beside LBJ are Mrs. Kennedy, right, and Mrs. Johnson,
President Johnson taking the Oath of Office
The swearing-in ceremony was at mid-day on the presidential
plane, Air Force One, on the tarmac of Love Field in Dallas, Texas. A local judge administered the oath. Afterward, the plane
took off for Washington, D. C.
Lyndon B. Johnson was president
from 1963 to 1969.
The shooting of a policeman

Police squad car of Dallas police officer J. D. Tippet in Oak Cliff, a suburb of Dallas
police officer J. D. Tippet

J. D. Tippet (1924 - 1963)
About an hour after the assassination of Kennedy, a Dallas policeman, J. D. Tippet,
shot and killed in Oak Cliff, a suburb of Dallas.
Tippet was on duty and cruising alone through the neighborhood. He saw a man
walking on the sidewalk. He pulled over to the curb and stopped. He called to the man. The man stopped and came to the front
passenger window. Tippet spoke with the man. According to some witnesses, they spoke for several seconds. According to other
witnesses, they spoke for one minute or more.
The policeman got out of the squad car. As he headed toward the front of the
car, to go around it, he reached for his gun. The other man pulled a handgun from a jacket pocket and shot Tippet three
times. Tippet fell to the ground, his gun in his hand. The other man walked over to him
and shot him a fourth time, the fatal shot.
The autopsy report from Parkland Hospital in Dallas, Texas mentions four
bullet wounds - three to the chest and one to the head.

Autopsy photos show three bullet holes in the chest.

Autopsy sketch shows four bullet
wounds in the front.

Autopsy photo of head wound.

Sketch of head wound from the
autopsy report.

Gun wound chart of the autopsy
report lists four bullet wounds.
Policeman Murray
Recalls dispatching Tippet to Oak Cliff
The Arrest
in the Movie Theatre
Shortly afterward, police arrested a man in a nearby movie theatre.

The arrested man,
in the centre, is hustled out of the theatre to a police car by lawmen.

In the above photo, the man, in white t-shirt, is pushed by lawmen into
the back seat of a squad car in front of the movie theatre. A large crowd has
What led to the arrest?
The man seemed agitated and entered the
movie theatre without paying. So an employee called the police.
The man was armed with a handgun and fought with a lawman in the movie theatre.

The snub-nosed Smith & Wesson
"Victory" Model .38 Special revolver
taken from the man arrested in the
movie theatre.

The man arrested, in the centre
of the photo, is escorted into the Dallas police station.
Hours later, he was charged with the murder of Officer Tippet.
The arrested man lived in a rented room in a house not far from the site of the shooting of Officer Tippet.
Who was he?
Lee Harvey Oswald. Age 24. Born in New Orleans, Louisiana, 1939. He grew up in New Orleans in Louisiana and
in Dallas and Fort Worth in Texas. He lived in New York City for two years in his early teens.
Oswald was a marine for three years, with a confidential security clearance, from 1956 to

Oswald was a good marksman.
After discharge
from the marines, Oswald went to the Soviet Union, in 1959.

Lee Harvey Oswald with his
Russian wife in Minsk in Belorussia (1961 - 1962)

Oswald with family and friends
in Minsk.

Oswald returned to
the U. S. three years later, in 1962, with his Russian wife and their
infant daughter. They
resettled in Texas, in the cities of Fort Worth and Dallas. The family lived in New Orleans, Louisiana for several months in mid-1963 before returning
to Dallas. A second child, a daughter, was born in October 1963.
Oswald said he was
a Marxist-socialist and against American intervention in Cuba.

Lee Harvey Oswald
passing out Fair Play for Cuba leaflets in New Orleans, August 16, 1963
New Orleans, August 16, 1963
Interview of Lee Harvey Oswald, secretary of the New Orleans chapter of the Fair Play for
Cuba Committee
On the program Latin Listening Post, WDSU Radio, New Orleans, August
17, 1963
Debate between Lee Harvey
Oswald, secretary of the New Orleans Chapter of the Free Play for Cuba Committee, and Carlos Bringuier and Ed Butler, opponents
of the Castro regime
WDSU Radio, New Orleans, August 21, 1963
1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ao2a9mRWkso
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ya9BLrmOf2o
Both programs on one clip:
It was not mentioned at the
time but Oswald's first name, Lee, came from a distant cousin, the commander of Confederate armies in the Civil War, General Robert Edward Lee (Robert E. Lee). Oswald's father was Robert Edward Lee Oswald, Sr. (He died just before Oswald's
birth.) Lee Harvey Oswald's older brother, Robert Edward Lee Oswald, Jr., had also been a marine.
The Killing of Officer J.
D. Tippit in Oak Cliff
Witness Jack Tatum
Oswald was employed in
the Texas School Book Depository building in Dallas and earlier on that particular day he worked on the sixth floor, where
shots were fired at Kennedy.
Oswald was charged with the murder of the president at 11:26 p. m.
on November 22, 1963.

Lee Harvey
Oswald talks to reporters in the Dallas police headquarters after his arrest, at 12:05 a. m. on November 23.
U. S. District Attorney Henry Wade
Press Conference in Dallas
After mid-night on November 23, 1963
The rifles and bullet shells found in the Texas School Book Depository (TSBD)
It was reported that lawmen found at least four rifles in the TSBD shortly after the assassination.
Two of the rifles belonged to the building manager and were for his private recreational
Lawmen were filmed on the roof holding up a rifle.
Lawmen searching the sixth floor found a 7.65 Mauser, brought it to their office,
and made official reports of their find.
Lawmen were filmed with two rifles on the sixth floor.
Lawmen reported finding three bullet shells beside the sixth-floor window from
which shots had been fired.
The three bullet shells were identified as having been ejected
from a 6.5 Mannlicher-Carcano.
Some time later, an employee at the Parkland Hospital in Dallas found an almost complete bullet on the stretcher that was said to have carried Governor Connally. The bullet was later identified
as having been fired from a 6.5 Mannlicher-Carcano.
Later, the local FBI office claimed the rifle used in the assassination was a Mannlicher-Carcano,
that it belonged to the suspect, Oswald, and that he had ordered it through the post.

In the Dallas
police headquarters, a Dallas policeman holds up Oswald's Mannlicher-Carcano rifle, found in the Texas School Book
Depository Building, at 1:35 a. m. on 23 November.
Craig, Deputy Sheriff
Blogger's collage:
Excerpt from Two Men in Dallas, 1976 documentary film
by Mark Lane; go to 1:58 mark of clip # 2:
Seymour Weitzman, Deputy Constable
Dan Rather reporting
Boone, Deputy Sheriff
Part 5 of On Trial: Lee Harvey Oswald (1986)
Interview with Eugene Boone, Sixth
Floor Museum, Dealey Plaza, Dallas, November 8, 2014
Oswald was arraigned before a
justice of the peace at 1:35 a. m. on November 23.
The Coventry Evening Herald, November 23, 1963 (Coventry,
How many bullets hit the president and where exactly?
How does one account for the following:
- at least two bullet
holes - and perhaps as many as three or four bullet holes - in the back
of the president;
- two bullet holes
in the front of the president;
- five bullet holes
in the governor;
- a nick in a by-stander
and a scrape on the paved surface of the nearby street;
- a hole in the
limousine's windshield?
Were they all caused
by three bullets fired from one rifle in the TSBD? Many believed that this was the most likely possibility. But
some doubted it.
Many thought that
one bullet missed the limousine and that of the two bullets to hit Kennedy the first one went through him and wounded
examined the body and performed a short autopsy in Parkland Hospital

Kennedy as he appeared
in Parkland Hospital after doctors examined him.
Some of the photos and sketches
of Kennedy's corpse
in the operating room of Parkland in Dallas, Texas and later at the autopsy at the
naval hospital in Bethesda, Maryland do not match.
Depending on the photo or sketch, Kennedy was shot either two or three times.
Considering all the sketches, diagrams and photos, there could be at least two and as many as four
different points of bullet entry from behind. There could be two points of bullet entry or exit in front.
The single bullet
wound in the back appears in different spots in different photos and sketches. In some photos
it appears just below the base of the neck. In some sketches it appears lower down the back. In others, to the right of the
base of the neck. In another, over the right shoulder blade.
According to most photos and sketches, Kennedy was shot twice - once in the back of the lower neck and once in the back of the head.
In other photos, it appears that Kennedy was shot once in the right shoulder blade and once in the back
of the head.
In some photos Kennedy appears to have been shot three times - twice in the right shoulder blade and once in the back of the head. These photos show two bullet holes in the right upper back, several inches apart. One hole is larger
than the other. (Some experts maintained that the larger hole could not have been made by a bullet fired from a

According to the above sketch, Kennedy was struck at the base of the neck with a bullet and it exited his throat.

The bullet hole in the upper back, below the neck, described as the entrance wound.

The small hole in the throat when Kennedy was brought into the hospital.

The origin of this hole was the source of much controversy. Was it made by
a bullet or bullet fragment? Was it an exit wound, indicating a shot from behind, entering in the upper back or lower neck?
Or was it an entrance wound, indicating a shot from the front?
Or was the hole a tracheotomy, made by a doctor, to ease breathing?

Was the tracheotomy enlarged later? Was it made over
a bullet hole in the throat and enlarged? In the photo, the massive head wound is in dark shadow or has been covered.
Malcolm Perry
Surgeon, Parkland Hospital
1963 and 1967
If Kennedy was shot in the upper back, just below the neck, or anywhere in the upper back,
and if this small hole in the throat was actually a tracheotomy, where then was the bullet exit wound? Is the bullet
still in the body?
The hole in the back of the head, caused by the last shot, was described as the bullet entrance
The massive damage to the upper right front quarter of the skull was described as the bullet exit wound.

According to the
above photo, Kennedy was hit in the top part of the back of the skull and the bullet sliced off a large part of the top right
side of the skull.

There were
different reports of the hole caused by the bullet's entry in the back of the head.
above sketch on the left shows a large hole in the lower right side of the back of the head as recalled by those present at
Parkland Hospital.
sketch at center shows a much larger hole in the lower and upper right side of the back and right side of the skull as recalled
by those present at Bethesda later.
photo on the right is of the reconstructed head with a small bullet hole toward the center top of the back of the skull.
Accounts of the wound at the back of the head differ. One photo shows a small hole in the back of the
head on the right side. But those present in Parkland recall that this was a reconstruction, to demonstrate the bullet's point
of entry. They recall a large wound, the size of the palm of a hand, in the back of the head on the right
side, when Kennedy was brought in. Those in Bethesda later recall a much larger wound to the back of the head.

Four different versions of the bullet entry wound at the back of the head. The first and third
sketches, from the left, would be correct.
There were other questions.
Only a few bullet fragments were recovered. It was thought that a bullet or bullet fragments could have remained lodged in
the president's body.
The first
autopsy, Dallas
Robert McClelland
Parkland Hospital (Dallas) Emergency Trauma Room doctor
Interview in 2015
Robert McClelland
JFK's Last Doctor
Interview on On Stage @ APL in 2015
The second autopsy, Bethesda, Maryland
at the naval hospital in Bethesda, Maryland, from 8:00 p. m. on 22 November to noon of the next day, 23 November.

Sketch shows two bullet
holes - entrance wounds - in the upper back and head.
Autopsy report
by the president's personal physician, Dr. George Burkley.
was present in the operating room of Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas, Texas and later in the autopsy room in the Naval Hospital in Bethesda, Maryland.
to later reports, the president's brother, Attorney General Robert Kennedy, feared the brain would be put on public display.
He asked Burkley to remove the brain before the autopsy, which was conducted at the naval hospital, and to
give it to him.
Paul K. O'Connor, laboratory technician, Bethesda Naval Hospital
and Photographic Evidence
Three shots were fired within 6 to 8.2 seconds.

Dan Rather describes the Zapruder film. Commentary with the film:Without
Many believed that the first shot was around frame # 160 of the Zapruder film. If so, this shot missed the presidential
limousine: Kennedy is seen waving twice to the crowd in subsequent frames, before passing behind the road sign.

Zapruder film frame 161 or 162
The Last Wave
Below is the Zapruder
film - from frame # 160, when many believed the first shot was fired, to frame # 274.
president waves to his right, after frame # 160, before passing behind the road sign. This footage includes frames 222, 223 or 224, when the president reacts to
the first shot to hit him.

Note that this early
copy of the Zapruder film is missing six frames, # 207 to # 212, when Kennedy is behind the road sign. Frames # 207and
# 212 are spliced.
Many copies
are missing these frames. This copy of the film was tampered with within hours of processing.
This caused many people to complain that a crucial section of the
film, showing the first shot to hit the president, was edited out to make it appear that he was hit later, at the same time
as the governor, in frame 222 or 223 or 224.
the entire film above, frame by frame, one frame per second, This is the spliced version, same as above,
after reviewing the film, it was believed that Kennedy was first shot before the limousine passed behind the street sign in
the Zapruder film.
it was decided that Kennedy was first hit between frames 190 and 200 - just before passing out of view behind
the street sign.
Below are frames 190, 200 and 207 of the Zapruder
190 (below)


Frame 207

Later, many decided that the first shot could have been fired at frame # 186 of the Zapruder film. This shot
Frame # 186 (below)

Were Kennedy and Connally hit by the same bullet?

It was
determined that Connally was hit by the second shot, in frame 222 or 223 or 224, just as he passed into view from behind the
street sign.
If Kennedy
was hit before the road sign or when behind it, he and Connally were hit by two separate shots less than two seconds apart.
This would indicate two assassins.
It was decided eventually that the second shot - at frame # 222, 223 or 224 -
hit both Kennedy and Connally.
Reviewing the Zapruder film, a presidential commission appointed by President Johnson to investigate the assassination
- the Warren Commission - concluded that Kennedy and Connally were hit at the same time, by the same bullet, in frame 222 or 223.
The third shot, the fatal head shot, was at frame # 312 or 313.
Charles Petty, pathologist
Comments by David
Belin, assistant counsel to the Warren Commission
Excerpt from a documentary by Dan Rather
President Lyndon Johnson and Senator Richard Russell
Discussion on the telephone
of the shooting
September 18, 1963
Incomplete upload

The above sketch shows all the bullet holes in Kennedy and Connally, front and
The above sketch assumes that two bullets hit and one missed.
The bullet holes indicated in red and marked
# 1 were believed to have been caused by a single bullet, either from the first or second shot. Otherwise, the holes
were caused by two bullets, from the first and second shots, with the first bullet hitting Kennedy and the second bullet
hitting Connally.
The bullet holes indicated in blue and marked # 2
were believed to have been caused by one single bullet, from the third shot.
Most of the people in Dealey Plaza recalled hearing three shots. Many thought
the first shot hit Kennedy in the upper back, the second shot hit Connally in the upper back, and the third shot hit
Kennedy in the head.

David Belin, an advisor to the presidential commission that later investigated the assassination, proposed that one
bullet - from the first shot - hit both Kennedy and Connally.
Many complained
that a bullet could not zig-zag as Bellin seemed to indicate.
But bullets
do bounce.

The proposed straight
path of the bullet and the positions of Kennedy and Connally as the bullet went through them.
Later, reviewing the Zapruder film, many decided that
indeed the first shot missed the limousine and the second bullet hit Kennedy, went through him and hit Connally.
to account for three bullets
position of the jump seat explains the single or "magic" bullet
The Bullet
Only small bullet
fragments were recovered from the bodies of the president, the governor, the limousine and the street. A fragment
remained lodged in the governor's body for the rest of his life.
A whole bullet,
with a single dent, at the bottom, was found
on the stretcher of Connally in Parkland Hospital.

A bullet with shell
before firing from a 6.5 Mannlicher-Carcano rifle

One of the three
shells said to have been found in the TSBD after
the assassination.
The above bullet,
without its shell and with a single dent at the bottom, is of the type fired from a Mannlicher-Carcano.
It was claimed that it was found
on a stretcher in Parkland Hospital.
It is said
to have hit Kennedy in the upper back, exited his throat, hit Connally in the back, exited his chest, passed through his right
wrist and lodged in his left thigh.
Many did not believe
it possible. They suspected the bullet was planted to cover up the actual weapon - another type
of rifle.
Hospital employee who found a bullet
on a stretcher
O. P. Wright
Hospital Security Chief who received the bullet from Tomlinson and gave it to a Secret Service agent
Cyril Wecht, pathologist
Vincent Guinn, chemist
The Harmony of the Physical Evidence
Lecture by Ken Rahn, chemist
C-SPAN TV, Washington,
D. C., September 18, 2004
Was Kennedy shot from the
front right side by a second assassin?
Some point out the massive
damage to the front right side of the president's head and maintain the shot came from the right side - the grassy

Frames 309 to 325 (below):

In slow motion (below):

They point out that the Zapruder
film shows that the fatal shot hit the president in the front right side of the head, indicating a shot from the front, instead
of the back of the head from above and behind.
They point out that the president was thrown back by the force of the shot.
But others maintain that the bullet struck the president in the back of the head and the damage to the front
of the head was caused by the bullet's exit.
They maintain that the film shows the exit wound, not the bullet entry or impact.
They point out that often a person shot in the back recoils.
Frames 312 and 313

Some point out that
Kennedy's head pitched forward, as in frame # 312 of the Zapruder film, indicating the moment of bullet impact from behind,
before he recoiled. Frame # 313 shows the bullet exit, not the bullet impact.
from 1994 CBS documentary with Dan Rather and author Gerald Posner
believes that Oswald, on the sixth floor of the TSBD, was a lone assassin; he fired three shots: the first shot missed; the
second shot hit Kennedy in the upper back, below the neck, went through him and hit Connally; and the third shot hit Kennedy
in the back of the head.
assassins on the Grassy Knoll.
Harry Truman
under President Franklin D. Roosevelt (January - April 1945) and President (1945 to 1953)
Talk with reporters
23, 1963
and talk with reporters
23, 1963
Police Chief Jesse Curry
Interview at the Dallas Police Headquarters
November 23, 1963
The shooting of the suspect
Lee Harvey Oswald
was assassinated two days later, on November 24, in the basement of the Dallas City Police Headquarters by a 52-year-old local mafioso, Jacob Rubinstein (Jack Ruby).

Oswald, in handcuffs, is shot by Jack Ruby in the basement of the Dallas City Police Headquarters

Ruby shoots Lee Harvey Oswald
footage without sound
Killing of Lee Harvey Oswald
Oswald Shooting
Digitally Remastered (HD & Slow Motion)
tape of the shooting
Live radio coverage
Ike Pappas
Report of Condition and Death
Parkland Hospital (22:18)
of surgery, Parkland Hospital
24, 1963

Photo of Lee Harvey
Oswald after the autopsy at Parkland. Oswald died less than two hours after he was shot.
Earl Rose
Dallas County Medical Examiner
November 25, 1963
Assassin Killed
Slayer Shot in Dallas Jail
Universal International News

Jacob Leon Rubinstein (Jack Ruby) (1911 - 1967), local Dallas strip-tease club
owner. He ran errands for Al Capone in Chicago in his teens. He was said to have been a mafia hit-man in his late twenties.
Ruby spent the rest of his life in jail. In March 1964, Ruby was
convicted of premeditated murder and sentenced to death. A Texas appeals court
overturned the conviction over procedural issues and ordered a retrial. Ruby died from cancer in Parkland Hospital in Dallas in 1967 before the new trial
Did Ruby plot to
kill Oswald?
Or did Ruby
act on an irresistible impulse, finding himself by chance in an opportune spot at an opportune moment?
wondered if the policeman Tippet had been sent to
kill and silence Oswald and when that failed Ruby did the job.
U. S. District Attorney Henry Wade
Press Conference in Dallas
November 24, 1963
Lecture by Ike Pappas
Trial in Dallas
Pathé (1964)
Ruby Verdict
Pathé (1964)
Excerpt from Mark Lane's 1966 documentary
Rush to Judgement
Witnesses who knew Jack Ruby
World of Jack Ruby
Excerpt from the Dan Rather Report
Death Bed Interview
Parkland Hospital
16 December 1966
Rose, Dallas County Medical Examiner
January 3, 1967

Oswald, born Marina Nikolayevna Prusakova in Archangel, U. S. S. R., in 1941, widow of Lee Harvey Oswald,
with their two daughters, shortly after the killings in Dallas, in late 1963.
Late 1963
Hard Copy (22:55) (1990)
in three parts:
Ruth Paine
Interview (1963)
Michael Paine
Interview (1963)
Ruth Paine
Trial: Lee Harvey Oswald (1986)
Part 16. (Part 1)
Part 17. (Part 2)
Part 18. (Part 3)
Comments to the press
Washington, D. C.
November 24, 1963
days after the assassination, President Johnson addresses both houses of Congress

addresses Congress, 11/27/63
Lyndon B. Johnson's
Address to a Joint Session of the Congress
Nov. 27, 1963
CBS News video of President Johnson's address
to Congress following the assassination of
John Kennedy
Why was Kennedy assassinated?
The assassination was not a surprise to many people.
Many wanted JFK dead.
Protestants above all. Kennedy was the first Catholic president of the
US in history and many feared this spelled the country's doom.
Supporters of Vice-President Lyndon
B. Johnson, especially Texans, wanted Johnson, a Texan, to be president.
Many people did not like Kennedy’s father, Joseph P. Kennedy, a notorious
Irish anti-British appeaser of Hitler before and during WW2. It was said that the president spent more time on the
phone with his father than he did with anyone else.
Cuban leader Fidel Castro? Kennedy backed plans to assassinate him.
Anti-Castro Cuban exiles felt Kennedy betrayed them at the Bay of Pigs in 1961. When their invasion of Cuba floundered, Kennedy
refused air support and abandoned the operation.
Soviets? Was Krushchev concerned about claims that Kennedy had won a public relations victory in the 1962 Cuban missile crisis?
Anti-Communists and American military leaders considered Kennedy weak-kneed and soft on Communism. The CIA feared Kennedy planned to curtail its role
in South Vietnam. Many held him responsible
for the killing of South Vietnamese President Ngo Dinh Diem three weeks
Mafia bosses Sam Giancana, Carlos Marcello, Santos Trafficante and John Roselli?
Marcello had been deported from the U. S. by the Kennedys.
Giancana felt he had been double-crossed by Kennedy after delivering to
him a big Chicago vote fraud in the 1960 presidential elections. This particular vote fraud is believed to have
tipped the national popular vote to Kennedy. It would have been exposed if Kennedy's rival, the vice-president
and Republican Party candidate, Richard Nixon, demanded a recount. Nixon did not bother because he believed
he had lost the electoral vote, and even if he won the popular vote in the recount, it would not have changed the electoral
vote, which determines national elections in the U. S. Once in office, Kennedy went after Giancana.
Labor union leader Jimmy Hoffa's Teamster's Union usually voted
for Democrats. But under Hoffa's instructions, the Teamsters delivered the state of Ohio to the Republicans in the 1960 presidential
election and Kennedy, a Democrat, wanted Hoffa out of the way during the upcoming 1964 presidential elections.
Was Oswald an assassin? If so, did he shoot the president?
Did he act alone? Were there more assassins?
Two or three? A dozen or more?
What was the motive?
Was Lee
Harvey Oswald a Soviet agent? Was he a CIA agent? Was he a double-agent?
For years, there
were stories that Oswald, while with the U. S. Marine Corps in Japan in the late 1950s, passed secret information
to the Soviets.
there a Soviet-Cuban connection in the assasination?
There were reports that Oswald visited the Cuban and Soviet embassies in Mexico City in late September 1963. There were reports also that at the Soviet Embassy
Oswald met the KGB agent in charge of assassinations and sabotage in the western hemisphere. Some have wondered if the
meeting was linked to the assassination of Kennedy in Dallas seven
to eight weeks later.
Was John Connally, governor of Texas, shot unintentionally? Or did the assassin intend to shoot Connally, too? Was Connally the
initial target instead of Kennedy?
Oswald was discharged early from the U. S. Marine Corps to take care of his ailing mother. Officially, Oswald left the marines in 1960 with a "hardship discharge" because his mother
was suffering hardship. But for renouncing his American citizenship and going to the Soviet Union instead, Oswald's "hardship
discharge" was changed to a "dishonorable discharge" one year later, in 1961. Connally, who was Secretary of the Navy at the
time, signed the "dishonorable discharge".
(The marines are a service of the navy.) The "dishonorable discharge"
was later officially "reduced" to an "undesirable discharge". Oswald corresponded with the navy
in an effort to change the "undesirable discharge".
Was Oswald's target actually Connally?
If so,
at what point did Oswald decide to shoot Kennedy too?
Or was Oswald a fall-guy? Was he set up? Was he framed? If so, who framed him?
The Warren Commission

seven commission members
two of the assistant counsels
Top row, left to right: US Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren, US
House of Representatives Minority Leader Gerald Ford (Republican, Michigan), US Senator Richard Russell (Democrat,
row: US Senator John Cooper (Kentucky), former World Bank president John McCloy, US Representative Hale Boggs (Louisiana);
row: former CIA director Allen Dulles (early photo), and two assistant counsels Senator Arlen Spector (Pennsylvania) and attorney
David Belin.
Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ), now the American president, and J. Edgar Hoover, director of the Federal
Bureau of Investigation (FBI), discuss LBJ's intentions to appoint a commission to
investigate the assassination of Kennedy.
The FBI agent in Dallas who was assigned to Lee Harvey
Part 20 of On Trial: Lee Harvey Oswald (1986)
Assignment: Oswald
Lecture by James Hosty, FBI agent, author of Assignment:
Coral Gables, Florida
About Books on C-SPAN TV
September 14, 1996
Warren Commission
LBJ informs Senator Richard Russell that he has appointed him to the seven-man commission to investigate the assassination
of JFK.
The commission was headed by Earl Warren, former governor of California and chief justice of the Supreme
Court at the time.
Upload (Complete phone call)
In 1964, the Warren Commission concluded
that there was no evidence of a conspiracy to kill Kennedy.
Oswald fired three shots from the
sixth floor of the TSBD. There were no shots from anywhere else.
The first possible opportunity to
shoot at the presidential limousine was at frame # 186 of the Zapruder film.
The first shot was between frame
# 210 and # 225 of the Zapruder film and wounded both Kennedy and Connally. There were two more shots. One of the shots, either
the second or third, at frame # 313 of the Zapruder film, killed Kennedy. The other shot, either the second or third, missed.
Oswald also killed Tippet.
Oswald acted alone.
Ruby acted alone
in shooting Oswald.
NBC report 1964

Robert MacNeil, NBC White House reporter, indicated by the red arrow, follows motorcycle
policeman climbing the wall on the grassy knoll in a chase after the assassin.
Robert MacNeil Discusses President Kennedy's Assassination
Excerpt from seven-hour interview in New York on November 15, 2000 and May 15,
2001 (18:39)
from a more recent interview (c. 2013?)
NBC-TV 1964 report of the assassination and the Warren Commission report
Gov. Connally
press conference 1966
August 1993
sections of the NBC report on the Warren Commission in 1964.
The first shot wounded Kennedy
and Connally The second shot killed Kennedy. A third shot missed. This third shot, which
missed, may have been the first, second or third shot.
Oswald fired from the TSBD.
Oswald acted alone.
CBS report 1964
November 22nd and the Warren Report
Mark Lane 1966
Rush to Judgment
1966 film by Mark Lane
Did Mark Lane misquote witnesses?
Brehm and James Altgens
Cronkite on CBS-TV 1967
Mark Lane
Interview by William Buckley
December 1, 1966
CBS review 1967
The Warren Report
A CBS News Inquiry
July 1967
With Walter Cronkite, Dan Rather and Eddie Barker
The first shot could have been fired at frame # 186 of the Zapruder film. That shot missed. The second shot was fired between
frames # 210 and # 225, and the third shot was at frame # 313.
Includes long commercials
Part 1.
Part 2.
Part 3.
Part 4.
CBS 1994
Dan Rather
Excerpts from 1994 CBS documentary with Dan Rather and author Gerald Posner
Posner believes that Oswald, on the sixth floor of the TSBD, was a lone assassin; he
fired three shots: the first shot missed; the second shot hit Kennedy in the upper back, below the neck, went through him
and hit Connally; and the third shot hit Kennedy in the back of the head. No assassins on the Grassy Knoll.
Lyndon Johnson
interview with Walter Cronkite
September 1969
The part of the interview that was cut from the TV program at Johnson's request
Assassination of President John F. Kennedy
22, 1963
Service presentation
The Assassination of JFK
2007 BBC documentary
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KukgXzeR5JM (Removed from You Tube)
The Killing of President Kennedy
1978 BBC documentary
The Warren Commission
1999 History Channel documentary
The new president, Lyndon B. Johnson, and the FBI director, J. Edgar Hoover,
did not want the assassination to appear to have been a conspiracy. They were concerned also that implicating the Soviets
or Cubans could lead to nuclear war.
They believed they had to ensure that an investigation of the assassination concluded
that there had been a lone assassin without connections and that the assassin's killer had
acted alone too.
The Warren Commission would have to conclude the same.
Warren Report and its Legacy
The Lone Assassin Evidence
Discussion about the reports that Lee Harvey Oswald visited the
Cuban and Soviet embassies in Mexico City in October 1963
September 18, 2004
Anniversary of the Warren Commission Report
by James Swanson, author, at the Supreme
Court, Washington D. C.
May 22, 2014
The Pollution spread
by Hollywooders
by David Belin, assistant counsel to the Warren Commission
Press Club, Washington, D. C.
TV, March 28, 1992
acted alone. Ruby acted alone and on impulse. The KGB, Castro and Ruby were not involved in the assassination. Oswald fired
three shots at Kennedy, two shots hit and one shot missed; one bullet went through Kennedy and Connally.
On November 24, two days after the assassination, CBS-TV, in a tribute
to Kennedy, presented Gustav Mahler's Second Symphony in C Minor (The Resurrection Symphony) by the New York Phiharmonic
Symphony conducted by Leonard Bernstein.
Days in November
documentary film by David Wolper narrated by Richard Basehart (1964) (2:02:16)
How the assassination of JFK changed our world
by J. Rufus Fears from a series for The Great Courses in 2013
Search of Lee Harvey Oswald
1980 episode from
the documentary series In Search Of with Leonard Nimoy
Were there four shots? Five shots?
The Dictabelt Recording
Excerpt from a CBS-TV documentary
with Walter Cronkite (1988)
Analysis of the Recording
dictabelt recording of four loud noises was later traced to a motorcycle policeman posted at the distant Trade Mart,
where Kennedy was to make a speech, and not in Dealey Plaza.
JFK: The Case for Conspiracy
1993 documentary by photographer Robert Groden
This film considers at length the various and conflicting
photos and sketches of Kennedy from the emergency room in Dallas, Texas and the autopsy performed in Bethesda, Maryland.
The film considers the possibilities that there were
five gunmen; that shots were fired from several different directions; that three shooters were on the grassy knoll; that
two men were seen on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository building just before the shooting and again later, just
after the shooting, when
Oswald was on the second floor.
(Note:Some claims in this documentary film have been discounted since
its release.
For example, the black man some saw with Oswald on the sixth floor before
the shooting was a co-worker. He recalled that he saw Oswald by the corner window with book orders in one hand. The co-worker
then left the floor.
The image of a particular small white object, surrounded by many similar objects, which appears in the
Zapruder film is described as the
back of the head of a possible assassin
on the grassy knoll dubbed the "Black Dog Man". The image, however, is actually that of a tree flower. If it indicates a person, it is the white headscarf of a woman standing behind
the retaining wall. Or it is the white cap worn by
the local groundskeeper standing on the steps of the walkway that lead down to the sidewalk from the grassy knoll.)
Executive Action
1973 Hollywood
movie with Burt Lancaster
Oswald was framed, a fall-guy
(Shooting of a policeman omitted)
Men Who Killed Kennedy
First five
parts of a 9-part British documentary (1988
- 2003) that presents numerous stories about the assassination
of Kennedy.
(Note: Parts of
this documentary have been roundly criticized as erroneous and a distortion and misrepresentation of facts.)
The documentary
series mentions the possibility that a team of assassins, trained in a covert American operation to kill Fidel Castro,
were used to kill Kennedy instead.
Part 1. The
Coup d'Etat (1988)
Part 2. The
Forces of Darkness (1988)
Includes recollections
by Beverly Oliver of the fatal shot fired from the grassy knoll; the much disputed claim of Gordon Arnold to have stood directly in front of a gunman firing from the grassy
knoll; the claim of Gary Mack and Joshua White to have found a gunman on the grassy knoll in the Moorman photo; and the claim
of Steve Revel to have identified three Corsicans hired to carry out the assassination.
The rest of the
documentary series has been panned as mostly fiction, a lot of it wild, woven around a few facts. Parts 3, 4 and 5 are
referred to below. Later episodes were considered too unrealistic to mention.
Part 3. The
Cover-Up (1991)
Part 4. The Patsy (1991)
Part 5. The
Witnesses (1991)
Ruby and Conspiracy Theories
2005 History Channel
or, the same:
1986 docu-drama taped in England
rated worst president
Until Kennedy
came along, Warren Harding (1921 - 1923) was generally considered the worst American president in history.
Many Catholics,
especially in the U. S., Ireland, the Mediterranean, Latin America, the Philippines
and Micronesia, revered Kennedy
and maintained that he was the best American
By the late
1970s and early 1980s, however, many
expressed second thoughts about Kennedy.
They wondered if they had over-rated him and if he was indeed a rather mediocre
Many believe
Kennedy, elected president at age 43, was too young for the job.
Was there a lesson to be learned in this?
Perhaps there was.
Never take a Texan as your number-two man.
bother to run for high national office if you’re a Catholic. And if you win, count your days.
Episode from
the documentary seriies Dynasties
5 clips
1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6PXhGlmJxk
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mZvQYnjR_o
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P24v_30-b9s
4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7IVAtZ7tQGE
5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHD1D_JW1yQ
for the People
An appeal for funding
for the establishment of the John Fitzgerald Kennedy Library by Jacqueline Kennedy in early 1964
John and Jacqueline
Kennedy had two children, a daughter, Caroline, and a son, John Jr. The son was killed in a plane crash in 1999.
Widowed, Jacqueline
remarried, to a Greek-Argentine shipping magnate, Aristotle Onassis, in Greece in October 1968.

Aristotle Onassis with Jacqueline at
their wedding on his island in Greece on 20 October 1966. With them is Jacqueline's daughter.

An Intimate
1993 Documentary by Clairol
Onassis Dynsasty
Documentary about
the Greek shipping magnate Aristotle Onassis (1906 - 1975)
A rags to riches
story: an Anatolian Greek born in Smyrna, a war refugee in Argentina, he became a tobacco and shipping tycoon

Time Magazine, May 30,
Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis died
at age 64 in 1994.
F. Kennedy
Kennedy's younger
brother, Robert, campaigned for the presidency in 1968. He was assassinated in Los Angeles by a Palestinian Christian who
resented his declarations of support of Israel.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6VekkXkDT4 (3:37)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXCvJ92YQcU (9:44)
M. Kennedy
1972, the last and youngest of the Kennedy brothers, Edward, played a dominant role in presidential elections. He did
not run himself but got the Democratic Party to choose his brother-in-law, Sargent Shriver, as the vice-presidential
running mate. The Democrats lost the election. (Shriver abandoned a campaign for the presidency four years later in 1976.)
The Kennedys were
never again influential in national presidential politics.
The Austrian
muscleman and Hollywood movie star Arnold Schwarzenegger married Shriver's daughter, Maria, and was elected to two four-year
terms as California governor as a Republican many years later (2003 - 2011).
Comments by Richard Nixon
under President Eisenhower (1953 - 1961) and President (1969 - 1974)
Excerpts from CNN
November 9, 1982
Edward (Ted) Kennedy
Ted Kennedy
Bobby and Teddy
Boston Globe
Ted Kennedy
Short documentary
Boston Globe
Ted Kennedy did not have a Boston Irish accent
Interview by Roger Mudd in 1979
Interview by Jimmy Jacobs
Las Vegas
On the Spot
Interview by Max Goldberg
Cassius Clay
Interview by Jimmy Jacobs
Is this the End of Mighty Mouth?
"Liston will fall in eight!"
Sonny Liston vs. Cassius Clay
Miami Beach
February 25, 1964
Fight poster
Liston exercising
with the punching bag.
The fighters compared.
Note that the photo of Liston is reversed. Liston and Clay were
right-handed and led with the left.
There was some question
about Liston's age. According to boxing records, Liston was born in
1934 and age 29 or 30 at fight time. Most, including Liston, agreed that he was
born in 1932 and age 31 or 32 at fight time. Still, by other accounts, Liston
was born in 1928 or earlier. But the most accurate date of birth,
suggested by the 1930 and 1940 census reports, seems to be the latter part of 1930. Liston does not appear in the 1930 census. But Liston
is registered in the 1940 census as age 10. Liston was 33 or 34 at the time of his fight with Clay. Age 33 is most
Clay was an 8 - 1 underdog at fight time. Sports writers were almost unanimous
in picking Liston to win. The question was how long would Clay last. Two rounds? Three rounds?
What then of Clay's boxing career? Three-and-one half years of expensive backing, self-promotion and boasting
brought to an ignominious end.
Clay would have to wait until Liston retired to try again for the title.
Cassius Clay makes good his boast Wins heavyweight crown in
Surprise Upset
Champion Sonny Liston
Liston fails to come out for round 7
The first five rounds were
fought at a fast pace. Liston pressed the fight.
Clay outboxed Liston in the first round.
Liston took a close second
Clay cut Liston
below the left eye early in the third round, wobbled him, battered him, but tired by mid-round.
Liston hurt Clay and knocked him about for the rest of the round but could not put him away.
It was a close round. But Liston
looked the better.
Liston had a slight edge in the fourth round. A puffiness appeared below his right eye.
Something got into Clay's
eyes in the fourth round and he came out for the fifth round complaining that he could not see. Liston had Clay in trouble,
knocked him about the ring but could not catch him. The round was clearly Liston's.
Liston seemed tired when he came out for the
sixth round. He did not press the fight as he had in the previous rounds. Clay took the fight to Liston. Clay had the
edge in the sixth round and looked in better shape than Liston.
fight was fought under the rules of the Miami Beach City Boxing Commission. The fight
was scored by the ten-point-must scoring system. The winner of the round gets ten points. The loser gets nine points or less. How the two judges and the referee scored the fight:
Judge Referee 1. 10 - 9 Clay;
10 - 9 Clay; 10 - 9 Clay 2. 10 - 9 Liston; 10 - 10
even; 10 - 9 Liston 3. 10 - 10 even; 10 - 9 Clay; 10 - 9 Clay 4. 10 - 8 Liston; 10
- 9 Clay; 10 - 9 Liston 5. 10 - 8 Liston; 10 - 9 Liston; 10
- 9 Liston 6. 10 - 9 Clay; 10 - 9 Clay; 10 - 9 Clay
----------------- ----------------- ----------------- 58 - 56 Liston; 59 - 56 Clay; 57 - 57 even The two judges and the
referee scored the fight even at the end of six rounds. One judge had Liston ahead, the other judge had Clay ahead, and the
referee scored the fight even.
UPI and AP unofficial scorecards: 58 - 56 for Clay. The fight was scheduled for 15 rounds.

Liston did
not come out for the seventh round. He remained seated on his stool.
The cut and bruises about the
eyes could have compelled the corner men to stop the fight. Liston, however, claimed a dislocated left shoulder and his doctors provided x-rays,
taken at a local hospital immediately after the fight, to prove it. Clay won the fight by a technical knockout (TKO) in seven rounds.
Clay won the championship title
at age 22 - not quite the youngest in history - but he made good his boast
to win it.

Cassius Marcellus Clay
Clay makes his way back to his dressing
room after the fight. On the left is former world middleweight champion Sugar Ray Robinson. Note that Clay's face has no cuts and few bruises.
Detroit Free Press, February
26, 1964
Courier-Journal, February 26, 1964
Sonny Liston, Champion
Cassius Clay, Challenger
Miami Beach, Florida
February 25, 1964
Commentary by Steve Ellis and Joe Louis
The fight was an upset.
Few had expected Clay to win.
The question was how long
would Clay last? Few thought he could last three rounds.
It was noted that Liston did not train hard for the fight. When he had Clay in
serious trouble he failed to nail him. He seemed to
have tired by the sixth round. He did not come out for the seventh round. The fight was even at that point.
Perhaps Liston feared getting beat and spoiling the gate of a rematch.
Clay with championship belt
The day after winning the title, Clay declared that he had embraced
Islam, joined the Black Muslims and that its leader, Elijah Muhammad, had given him the name Muhammad Ali.
He became a preacher for the Nation of Islam.
Cassius Clay is a muslim
February 1964
The Struggle for Equality in America
Martin Luther King Jr. (1929 - 1968), a Baptist minister, like Mahatma Gandhi, preached
non-violence in the struggle for racial equality. He was assassinated by a hired gunman in 1968.
Martin Luther King Jr.
The Nation of Islam (Black Muslims)
Elijah Muhammad (1897 - 1975), leader of the Nation of Islam
(Black Muslims) from 1934 to 1975.
The Hate that Hate Produced
Documentary by Mike Wallace (1959)
1 hour 35 minutes
Malcolm X
Malcolm X (1925 - 1965), Elijah Muhammad's deputy, brought Cassius
Clay to the Black Muslims in 1964. Malcolm X broke with the Black Muslims to form his own movement in 1964. He was assassinated
by the Black Muslins in 1965.
Make It Plain
Cassius Clay
Cassius X
Muhammad Ali
Malcolm X, on the left, with Muhammad Ali (Cassius Clay), at
right, in New York City on March 1, 1964.
Muhammad Ali and Malcolm X
New York City
March 1963
![Milwaukee Sentinel (newspaper), Wednesday morning, February 26, 1964: Clay Scores TKO in 7, "Liston's Purse Held Up" [Muhammad Ali/Cassius Clay & Sonny Liston fight]; "Herbert Hoover Seriously Ill": Ray Grody, James G.](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcQDRi4gkvfTtkcmv8VlQtfYfOQADm479DoEyQ&usqp=CAU)
Milwaukee Sentinel,
February 26, 1964
Many wondered if Liston threw the fight. If he did, he deserved an Academy Award.
Many wondered if Clay's Louisville backers or the Black Muslims or the Mafia had paid off Liston.
Some believed Liston's shoulder injury was faked. The Miami Boxing Commission held up Liston's $1.3 million-plus
purse after the fight.
However, on the following day, doctors examined hospital x-rays of Liston's shoulder
and announced the injury was real. Liston received his purse.
There was also a question
of a $50,000 payment from Liston to Clay before the fight to guaranty a rematch.
Liston and Clay sign contracts
The Liston - Clay bout
Miami Beach
Theatre Network Television / TNT
Steve Ellis, Joe Louis
Feb. 25, 1964
43 min. 4 sec.
45 min. 47 sec.
Peter O'Toole as King Henry II and Richard
Burton as Thomas Becket, Archbishop of
Canterbury, in 1964 movie Becket.
The murder of Becket in Canterbury Cathedral.
1964 (2:22:15)
In French: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pxjfTpe-y8
The movie was based
on a stage play by French playwright Jean Anouilh. In the play and the movie, Becket was cast as a Saxon. Becket
was in fact Norman. His parents were from Normandy. Henry II was an Angevin, of French origin. He was made Duke of Normandy
by the King of France. His mother, Matilda, was a granddaughter
of William the Conqueror.
Thomas Becket Discussion on the Thursday BBC radio programme In Our Time with
Melvyn Bragg With guests Laura
Ashe, Michael Staunton and Danica Summerlin
14 December 2017 http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b09hp2rm
Richard Burton as Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury
Peter O'Toole as King Henry II of England
John Gielgud as King Louis VII of France
Donald Wolfit as Gilbert Foliot, Bishop of London
L'investiture de Thomas Becket en 1162
The death of Becket
1964 movie
The US atom bombs Moscow by mistake
With Frank Overton, Dan O'Herlihy, Walter Matthau, Henry Fonda and Larry Hagman
Khruschev Ousted
Replaced by Troika
Moscow, October 1964
The New York Times, October 16, 1964
Front cover of Life magazine, November 27, 1970
Khrushchev Resigns
October 15, 1964
Universal Newsreels
Khrushchev - The Bear's Embrace
from the documentary series Portraits of Power - Those Who Shaped the Twentieth Century
- by Harrison Salisbury and other New York Times journalists
War: Khrushchev's Regime
Episode # 7 or # 59 from the documentary series Sworn to Secrecy:
Secrets of War narrated by Charlton Heston (1997 - 2001)
US loses two nuclear submarines
USS Thresher
10 April 1963
North Atlantic Ocean
129 crew lost
USS Scorpion
22 May 1968
North Atlantic Ocean
99 crew lost
USS Thresher
Atomic Submarine with 129 aboard lost in Atlantic
British Pathé
The Legacy of the Thresher
CBS Reports
Dan Rather
Waterlines Stories
USS Scorpion
USS Scorpion
Submarines, Secrets and Spies
NOVA documentary
January 1999
About the Thresher and the Scorpion
Robert Ballard
Bob Hope visits the troops in Vietnam, South Korea, Thailand . . .
Bob Hope
Korat, Thakhli
Christmas 1964
The State Funeral of Sir Winston Churchill
30 January 1965
The State Funeral of Sir Winston Churchill
Independent Television
Churchill State Funeral Procession 1965
Sir Winston Churchill's Funeral
A World In Remembrance
British Pathé
People recall Churchill's funeral
31 Jan 1965
From Westminster Hall to Waterloo to Bladon
The Prime Minister addresses the US Congress
8 January 1942
Winston Churchill
Walden on Heroes
Brian Walden

The East is red, the sun is rising.
From China has arisen Mao Tse-Tung! He works for the people's happiness,
he is the savior of the people.
The East is Red
A song composed in China in the
early 1950s and popularized after the Korean War,
The East is Red
was the basis of an opera portraying China's revolutionary struggle against foreign imperialism.

An opera The East is Red was produced in 1963 for
the 15th anniversary in 1964 of the People’s Republic of China. The opera recounts the history Chinese
communist revolution under Mao Tse-tung.
Film of a performance in Peking
in 1964 released in 1965.
With English sub-titles (begins with The Internationale)
Early 1965
25,000 American military advisors in Vietnam
First U. S. Combat Troops sent to Vietnam
March 8, 1965
3,500 U. S. Marines land on China Beach to protect airbase in Da Nang against Vietcong
President Lyndon Johnson
Speech at John Hopkins University
April 7, 1965
75,000 U. S. combat troops in Vietnam by July 1965
President Lyndon B. Johnson
Press conference, Washington, D. C.
28, 1965
Draft Doubled
50,000 More Men for Vietnam
Universal Newsreel
We Are in Vietnam President Lyndon B. Johnson Press
conference, Washington, D. C. July 28, 1965
Address (complete) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQfghKebsQQ (43:56) Excerpt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9KJyiXzp34
The Battle of
Chu Lai
Operation Starlite
First battle with American soldiers
August 18 - 24, 1965
Vietnam War
of Chu Lai
from a documentary
The Undeclared War
Episode 2 of 12 from the documentary
series Battlefield: Vietnam
185,000 U. S. soldiers in Vietnam by the end of 1965
Graph shows the increase in the number of U. S. combat troops in
South Vietnam from January 1965 to December 1968.
LBJ with General William
Westmoreland, commander
of US forces in South
LBJ with Nguyen Van Thieu,
President of South Vietnam
LBJ with Robert McNamara,
Secretary of Defense
LBJ with McGeorge Bundy, National Security Advisor
LBJ with Martin Luther King Jr.,
civil rights
LBJ with Robert Kennedy,
Attorney General
Muhammad Ali
The Rematch with Liston
The biggest scandal
in boxing history
There had to be a rematch. Liston was again the betting favorite.
But long before
the fight was held, it was obvious that Liston planned to take a dive. Indeed, had he thrown the first fight? No state wanted
to host the rematch.
fight was eventually held in an out-of-the-way place - a high school gymnasium in a small town in
New England before a tiny crowd of 2,000.
expected, Liston threw the fight. He did it quickly.
than two minutes into the first round he took a light tap to the left side of the head and went down.
called it "The Phantom Punch".
Video photo of the 'Phantom Punch' in slow-motion: a short right chop (or
uppercut) over Liston's left arm to the head.
Did the punch
have the force to knock Liston down?
Ali: "Get up and fight, ya bum!"
The referee, ex-champ Jersey Joe Walcott, delayed the count until
Ali was in a neutral corner. Liston got up after twelve seconds on the canvas. The fight resumed.
Walcott was called to the ring apron by Nat Fleischer, editor of
The Ring magazine, and Fleischer told him the timekeeper had tolled twelve seconds.
Walcott returned to Liston and Ali, who had resumed the fight on
their own, stopped it and declared Ali the victor.
Ali vs Liston
May 25, 1965
Liston did not fight for
the title again. He continued boxing, winning 15 of 16 fights (including four in Sweden and one in Mexico), until his death in
his home from an accidental drug overdose at age 40 in 1970.
Ali humbles ex-champ Floyd Patterson in 12 rounds in Las Vegas
on November 22, 1965
Ali beats George Chuvalo of Canada, winning
a unanimous 15-round decision in Toronto on March 29, 1966
Rocky Marciano Interview in Australia
in 1966 On Clay and the
Fight Game
Drafted by the
U. S. Army on April 8, 1966, Clay refused induction. He cited religous
grounds. He was a minister. ---------------
Ali stops
Henry Cooper of England in the sixth round of their rematch in London on May 21, 1966
Ali knocks out Brian London of England
in the third round in London on August 6, 1966
beats stops Karl Mildenberger of Germany in the twelfth
round in Frankfurt, Germany on September 6, 1966
stops Cleveland Williams in three rounds in Houston on
November 14, 1966
Joe Louis and Muhammad Ali Muhammad Ali derided Joe Louis as an "Uncle Tom" but eventually became a friend.
Joe Louis and Muhammad Ali TV show, Louisville, Kentucky, 1966
Ali beats Ernie Terrell, winning a unanimous decision in Houston on February 6, 1967
Muhammad Ali at a Nation
of Islam (Black
Muslims) annual convention in February 1967.

Ali knocks out Zora Folley in seven rounds
in New York City on March 22, 1967
Cassius Clay/Muhammad Ali with Martin Luther King in Louisville, Kentucky
on March 30, 1967
Cassius Clay/Muhammad
“War is against the teachings of the Qur’an. I’m not trying to dodge the draft. We are not supposed
to take part in no wars unless declared by Allah or The Messenger. We don’t take part in Christian wars or wars of any
“Man, I ain’t got no quarrel with them Viet Cong.
No Viet Cong ever called me nigger.” “Why should
they ask me to put on a uniform and go 10,000 miles from home and drop bombs and bullets on brown people in Vietnam while
so-called Negro people in Louisville are treated like dogs and denied simple human rights?”
not going 10,000 miles from home to help murder and burn another poor nation simply to continue the domination of white slave
masters of the darker people the world over.”
For refusing induction into the U. S. Army, Clay/Ali was stripped
of the championship title. he had had beat all possible contenders. But had not yet reached his prime. 
April 29, 1967
Clay, as Muhammad Ali, defended the championship title nine times in
three years, from 1964 to 1967. Clay
was arrested and sentenced
to jail on July 20, 1967 for refusing to serve in the army.
Houston (Texas) Post, July 21, 1967
paid bond and appealed the conviction. He appealed all the way up to the Supreme Court.
1967 documentary
Firing Line
William F. Buckley Jr. interviews Muhammad Ali
The Sound of Music
Rogers and Hammerstein
Movie with Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer
My Favorite Things
Climb Every Mountain
(finale) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvDFoF9sfQA
The Von Trapp Family
The Trapp Family (German: Die Trapp-Familie)
1956 West German movie
The Mini-Skirt Revolution
The hemline in 1965, well above mid-thigh
Mini skirt fashion (1960s - 70s)
Brigitte Bardot in 1965.
Brigitte Bardot
in 1965


Brigitte Bardot dans le film Les Femmes en
1965 Hollywood movie
Marlon Brando, Yul Brynner, Trevor Howard
In WW2, the British plot an inside job to commandeer a German cargo ship en route from Tokyo to Bordeaux.
The Spy Who Came in from the Cold
1965 British film
Richard Burton, Claire Bloom, Oskar Werner and Peter van Eyck
David Cornwell / John le Carré
Author of the 1963 book The Spy Who Came In From the Cold
On the Merle Grifin Show
A talk
Round the World Flight
in 55 hours and 30 minutes
June 1966
Arthur Godfrey, pilot (and entertainer)(standing),
with (left to right) Maj. Karl Keller, test pilot; Fred Austin, flight engineer; and Dick Merrill, aviator, in June 1966
Austin planned the flight. Austin was the co-pilot of the first pole-to-pole round-the-world flight,
in 1965.
The four-man crew took off in a business
aircraft, a Jet Commander, from La Guardia Airport on Long Island, New York on June 4, flew 25,000 miles around the world
in 21 legs, and returned to La Guardia on June 7 in 55
hours and 30 minutes.
What's My Line?
Dick Merrill, Arthur Godfrey, Fred Austin, and Maj. Karl Keller.
With Steve Allen in June 1966.
Albert Speer

Released from Spandau Fortress in West Berlin
1 October 1966
Speer was Adolf Hitler's top architect
and Minister of Armaments and War Production.
Speer was convicted
of war crimes in Nuremberg in 1946 and sentenced to 20 years in prison.

Speer was greeted by the press as he stepped out of the prison.
Speer speaks to the press.
Speer became a best-selling author after his release.

Pierre Schoendoerffer
A French film crew with Pierre Schoendoerffer followed a platoon of GIs led by black West Point Lieutenant Joseph B. Anderson
in September and October 1966.
The movie won an Oscar for Best Foreign Documentary.
La Section Anderson
En français
A Man for All Seasons
British film
About Sir Thomas Moore, Lord High Chancellor (chief minister) of England, and his conflict with King Henry VIII of England
King Henry wanted a son. His first wife, Catherine of Aragon, had not produced a surviving son. Henry wanted a divorce
so he could marry another woman, Anne Boleyn.
The Pope, in Rome, refused Henry's request to annul his marriage to Catherine.
More opposed Henry's request to annul his marriage to Catharine. Thus, he was replaced as Chancellor.
Henry assumed supremacy over the Church of England and broke with the Pope and the Church in Rome.
The Church of England recognised Henry's marriage to Anne Boleyn and annulled his marriage to Catharine.
More refused to recognise Henry's supremacy over the Church of England. More refused to accept the annulment of Henry's
marriage to Catharine.
More was charged with treason, arrested, tried, convicted and beheaded.
With Paul Scofield, Orson Welles, Susannah York.
120 min.
Sir Thomas More wrote Utopia.
More opposed the Protestant Reformation, Martin Luther, Huldrych Zwingli and William Tyndale.
American Silk Tycoon
Jim Thompson
Disappears in Malaya
Easter Sunday, March 26, 1967

Jim Thompson
with the Delaware National Guard in 1941.
Thompson, an architect, was born in Delaware, the son of a textile manuafacturer, in 1906.
was a francophile.
During the Second World War, Thompson joined the U. S. Office of Strategic Services (OSS) and landed with Allied forces
in southern France in August 1944. He accompanied
the French Resistance. Later, he went
to the Balkans.
Thompson arrived in Thailand with
the OSS just after VJ-Day in 1945 and headed the OSS office in Bangkok. He was the military attache of the American Legation in 1946. Thompson resigned
from the OSS in 1946 and returned home.
Thompson returned to Thailand In 1948 and sold silk produced
by local weavers.
By 1951 Thompson had a going silk business in Bangkok.
Jim Thompson's silk store in Bangkok.
Jim Thompson
with Cham silk weavers in Ban Krua in 1955.
Jim Thompson with
a Cham weaver in Ban Krua circa 1962

Thompson's many clients was Queen Sirikit of Thailand.
Jim Thompson's home, made of teak, beside
a canal in Bangkok. The house was completed in 1959. The house, called 'Jim Thompson House', is a popular tourist attraction.
old friend and antique dealer, Constance (Connie) Mangskau, a Eurasian born in Chiang Mai in 1907, invited Jim Thompson
to visit the Cameron Highlands during Easter.
Mangskau worked as a translator for the American Legation in Bangkok after the Second World
Thompson and Connie Mangskau in Bangkok in the late 1960s.
Thompson and Mangskau went to Penang
for the day and reached the Highlands on Friday, 24 March. They joined a Chinese chemist from Singapore, Ling Tien Gi, and
his American wife, Helen. They stayed in separate bungalows in a small resort called the 'Moonlight Bungalow'.

Cameron Highlands of the northern Malay Peninsula of Malaysia.

'Moonlight Bungalow'. The visit was Thompson's third.
Early on Easter morning, the four drove to a church near the
small town of Brinchang.

A last photo
of Jim Thompson at a picnic lunch with his friends near his bungalow in the early afternoon of Easter Sunday, 26
March 1967.
After lunch, at 1:30 p. m., Thompson went for a walk alone. He left by the only road to and from the bungalow.
At the bottom of the road, about 1.5 kilometres from the Moonlight Bungalow, was a Lutheran
Mission. The mission was visible from the bungalow.
Thompson was
last seen two and one-half hours later, around 4:00 p. m., visiting the Lutheran Mission by the mission's cook.
Thompson was never seen again.
Thompson did not return to his bungalow.
search failed to find him.
Most assumed that Thompson went for a hike alone in the surrounding hills and jungle. He may
have gotten lost. He had an accident. He slipped
and fell and injured himself. Perhaps a coconut dropped on his head. A tiger mauled him. A poisonous snake
bit him. A python devoured him.
His remains may still be in the jungle, intact or scattered by wild animals.
Did Thompson
catch a ride into the nearby town? In
1985, locals unearthed a skeleton without its skull in a vegetable plot along the highway near the town of Brinchang.
Did a lorry
driver run over a Caucasian man walking along a nearby road, pick up the body, drive it away and bury it?
A local medical examiner insisted there was no indication the bones were Jim Thompson's.
bones disappeared.

Map of the Malay Peninsula. The Cameron Highands are indicated in red.
Map of the area about the Moonlight Bungalow.
Some wondered if Thompson planned his disappearance.
Five months later, in the night of August 29 - 30, 1967, Thompson's eldest sister,
Mrs. Katherine Thompson Wood, was brutally murdered in her home in Pennsylvania.
To this day, Thompson's disappearance and his sister's murder are unsolved.
Much has been written about Jim Thompson
and his disappearance. Most of it is nonsense.
The first book about
Thompson's disappearance, Jim Thompson - The Unsolved Mystery, was written
by an American, William Warren, first published in 1970. The book was revised in 1999. This
book remains the best about Thompson's disappearance.
Elvis Presley
on the set at the Polynesian Cultural Center in Honolulu in 1965.
Elvis on the set at the Polynesian Cultural Center in Honolulu.
weds his long-time sweetheart, Priscilla Ann Beaulieu, in Las Vegas on May 1, 1967. 
Just married
Memphis (Tennessee) Press Scimitar, May
2, 1967

Graceland Mansion, home in Memphis
and Priscilla in a home movie.
and Priscilla with their daughter, Lisa Marie, born on February 1, 1968.
Elvis and daughter Lisa-Marie at the beach
in 1968.

Elvis and Priscilla

Elvis on the set with Michele Carey in 1968.
On the set with Nancy Sinatra in 1968.
On the set with Barbara McNair in 1969.
the set with Mary Tyler Moore in 1969.
The Beatles
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (album)
Penny Lane Strawberry
Fields Forever All You Need Is Love
Lady Madonna Hey Jude
Let it Be Yellow Submarine (album) Abbey Road (album)
Beatles break up - 1970
Le drapeau du Québec
le Québec libre!"
Charles De Gaulle
24 juillet 1967
Doutriaux https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5j5xF6ZYRQY
50 ans du « Vive le Québec libre ! »
Le Québec
2000 ans d’histoire
sur France Inter (31:17)
Tom Lehrer
Performance in Copenhagen
September 1967
Hasta la Victoria
Ernesto Guevara
de la Sierna
Rosario, Argentina 1928
- La Higuera, Bolivia 1967

Ernesto Guevara
in Argentina
at age 20 in 1948

Medical student
in Argentina in 1951


Diarios de motocicleta
Recounts Che's travels through South and Central America when a medical student in the 1950s
Argentina movie (2004)

Che with his first wife, Peruvian
Hilda Gadea Acosta, in Mexico in

Escambray 1958

Escambray 1958

Che Guevara, left, with Raúl Castro, centre, and Fidel Castro in Havana in January 1959.

Guevara and his second wife, Aleida March de la Torre of Santa Clara, at the wedding in 1959.
Che Guevara
Hasta la Victoria Siempre
Biographical account (54:19)
Che à Alger

This film, in two parts, recounts the period from Che's meeting with Fidel Castro
in Mexico in 1955 to Che's capture of Santa Clara in 1958 (part 1) and Che's Bolivian adventure in 1966 and 1967 (part 2).
Except for Che's
1964 UN address, the film omits entirely
events in the seven-year period from 1959 to 1966 (the triumphal entry into Havana, execution of opponents, matters of finance
and industry, the Bay of Pigs Invasion, the Cuban missile crisis and the Congo adventure).
Che, El Argentino (Part 1) (2 hrs. 14 min.)

U. N.
1964 address to the
UN General Assembly
Complete Address:

Face the Nation
Che Guevara
New York City
Che Guevara
Interview with
ABC reporter
Che Guevara's last public speech
February 24, 1965
Hasta Siempre, Comandante
Song by Cuban composer Carlos Puebla in 1965. There are many translations.
Aprendimos a quererte Desde la histórica
altura Donde el Sol de tu bravura Le puso cerco a la muerte
We learned to love you from the historical
heights where the sun of your bravery laid siege to death
Aquí se queda la clara La entrañable
transparencia De tu querida presencia Comandante Che Guevara
Here lies the clear, the beloved clearness, of your dear presence, Commander Che Guevara.
Tu mano gloriosa y fuerte Sobre la
Historia dispara Cuando todo Santa Clara Se despierta para verte
Your hand, glorious and strong, shoots
over history when all of Santa Clara awakens to see you
Vienes quemando la brisa Con soles
de primavera Para plantar la bandera Con la luz de tu sonrisa
You come burning the breeze with
suns of the spring to plant the flag with the light of your smile.
Tu amor revolucionario Te conduce
a nueva empresa Donde esperan la firmeza De tu brazo libertario.
Your revolutionary love drives you
to a new enterprise where they wait for the firmness of your liberating arm.
Seguiremos adelante Como junto a
ti seguimos Y con Fidel te decimos: Hasta Siempre Comandante.
We will continue forward, as we continue
together with you, and with Fidel we tell you: "Farewell, Commander!"
Buena Vista Social Club
Havana street musicians
Another version
Another version

Congo 1965
Cuba! Africa!
Documentary in two parts about Cuban support of revolution in
Africa (2017) (1:37:40)
Part 1 describes the Cuban involvement in the Congo in 1965

Moscow 1965
Che, Guerrilla
(Part 2)
This clip, Parte 2 of 2, picks up where the previous clip, Che, El Argentino, ends, and recounts
the Bolivian adventure.
Do not bother with the upload called Parte 1 of 2, which
is the same as El Argentino, because it is not complete, missing the last several minutes

Che Guevara,
centre, was captured by Bolivian army soldiers in the mountains in southeastern Bolivia in the region of Santa
Cruz on 8 October 1967.
the above photo, taken the following day, 9 October, Che is escorted by Cuban exile/CIA agent
Felix Rodriguez, left, and Bolivian army soldiers in the village of La Higuera shortly before his execution in a small school
house at mid-day. Guevara was executed on the orders of the Bolivian president.
The Hunt for Che Guevara
Episode from the ocumentary
series CIA Declassified (44:31)
Le dernier combat du Che
Témoignages sur Che Guevara et ses derniers
jours en Bolivie
Novosti (2017)
End of a Revolution
Documentary film about Bolivia in 1967 (features Regis Debray's trial).
(3 clips)
1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tn9XRQwnHsM
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKzA1VF5re8
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WqwOcHnDnJs
(There is a reference in clip 3 to a Felix Ramos, who is actually Felix Rodriguez.)
The True Story of Che Guevara
with author Jon Lee Anderson, Felix Rodriguez, Dariel Alarcon Ramirez ("Benigno") (2006) (1:30:57)
Che Guevara
Episode from the BBC documentary series Infamous Assassinations (2007)
Les derniers jours d'une icone
Les derniers jours de
Che Guevara

Felix Rodriguez, born in Cuba in 1941, of a prosperous middle
class family, educated in the United States, joined Cuban exiles and the CIA in 1960 to overthrow Castro, infiltrated
Cuba before the Bay of Pigs Invasion, joined the hunt for Che Guevara in Bolivia in 1967, US Army helicopter pilot
in Vietnam from 1970 to 1972, fought communist expansion to Central America in the 1980s.
Felix Rodriguez
Story and interview
by Mike Wallace on 60 Minutes, CBS (1989)
Interview with Felix
Rodriguez by Brian Lamb
Felix Rodriguez
A Snapshot with Che
with Felix Rodriguez and Dariel Alarcon Ramirez ("Benigno") (51:04)

From 1960

Photo by Alberto Korda in Cuba 1960
Díaz Gutiérrez (1928 - 2001)
Guevara & Castro (1955 - 1967)
Communisme & Guerre Froide
ans d'Histoire
Gélinet avec historien Rémi Kauffer
le 9 octobre 2007 - sur
France Inter
Che Guevara - Le mythe
Histoire de Comprendre
Alexandre Adler (2000)
El Che
Documentary (1997) (1:35:36)
In French:
Pourquoi a t'on tué Che Guevara?
Les detectives de l'Histoire
Documentaire (2009)
Several days after his death, Che Guevara was buried
in an unmarked pit with his comrades in a secret location in the town of Vallegrande in Santa Cruz by Bolivian soldiers.
In 1997, the spot was excavated by Cubans and the
skeletal remains were recovered and identified.
of the excavation (in English, Greek and Spanish):
Bolivia - Skeletal remains
The skeletal remains
were flown to Cuba.

funeral of Che Guevara and his comrades in Revolution Square in Havana on 13 October 1997 (above photo).

The funeral cortege of Che Guevara and his comrades.
The remains were conveyed 281 kilometres to the city
of Santa Clara where they were enshrined in a mausoleum.
Excerpts of funeral (in Greek and Spanish)

The Che Guevara Memorial, the mausoleum of Che Guevara, in Santa Clara, Cuba.
Diarios de motocicleta
El Che
Part 1
Part 2.
Felix Rodriguez
Le Monde à L'Envers
Dmytro Komarov
Les dernières heures de la vie et de la mort du légendaire Ernesto Che Guevara en Bolivie
Che Guevara
Beyond the Legend
Hasta Siempre, Comandante
Barcelona Gipsy Klezmer Orchestra
The First Heart Transplant
Groote Schuur
Cape Town, South Africa
3 December 1967
While shopping in Cape Town on 2 December, Denise Darvall, age
24, and her mother were hit by a drunk driver. Denise's mother was killed. Denise was taken to the nearby Groote Schuur Hospital
and later pronounced brain-dead. Her father gave his permission to transplant her heart and a kidney.
Photo of Groote Schuur Hospital in 1967
The team of six surgeons conducting the
first heart transplant on 3 December 1967.
The operation took five hours.
Dr. Marius Barnard was one of the team of surgeons that removed the heart from Ms.
Dr. Christiaan Barnard and
his team removed Mr. Washkansky's
heart and inserted Ms. Darvall's
Louis Washkansky, age 53, of Cape Town was the recipient
of Miss Darvall's heart. He died 18 days after the operation.
Dr. Christiaan Barnard (1922 - 2001)
at press conference after the operation.
The Cape Times, 4 December 1967
The Rand Daily Mail, 4 December 1967
50th Anniversary of the First Heart Transplant
First Heart Transplant
On Heart Transplants
University of Cape Town
with Dr. Marius Barnard
Jo Raquel Tejada
Raquel Welch in 2010
In her home town, La Jolla, California
With Dick Clark on American Bandstand (1965)
Armando Carlos Tejada y Urquizo (1911 - 1976), of La Paz, Bolivia; an aeronautical
engineer, father of Raquel Welch
Josephine Sarah Hall (1909 - 2000), of Chicago, Illinois, mother of Raquel Welch. (A descendent of American president John Adams.)
With husband James Welch, a Hollywood agent, in early
With children, Damon and Tahnee
Tahnee Welch
Bob Hope's annual USO tour of Southeast Asian military bases
With Raquel Welch, Barbara McNair and Miss World
Orquestra e Coro
Teatro alla Scala di Milano
Regência Herbert von Karajan
Luciano Pavarotti, Tenor
Nicolai Ghiaurov, Baixo-barítono
Leontyne Price, Soprano
Fiorenza Cossotto, Mezzo-soprano
Direção Henri-Georges Clouzot
Ano 1967
Movie based on the book by Pierre Boule of the same name
Starring Charlton Heston
Prague Spring
Le printemps de Prague
2000 ans d'histoire (2008)
Nixon Returns
Nominated Republican Party candidate for President
Wins election
Nixon Elected President
November 5, 1968
New York Times, November 6, 1968
Richard M. Nixon, Republican Party candidate, vice-president
under Eisenhower (1953 - 1961), wins 1968 presidential
From 1957 to 1960, Nixon was the most prominent vice-president
in American history. He was defeated by John Kennedy in the 1960 presidential election by a razor-thin margin. Two years later, in 1962, he was defeated in the gubenatorial
election in his home state of California. The loss signaled the end of Nixon's politcal career.
President Lyndon Johnson announced In March 1968 that he would
not seek another term. The most likely candidates for the office were the vice-president, Hubert Humphrey, and the Republican
governor of New York, Nelson Rockefeller.
Nixon emerged as a dark-horse candidate and, in an incredible
political comeback, bested Rockefeller for the Republican
Party nomination.
Nixon won the 1968 presidential election by a slim margin,
besting Humphrey and a strong independent third party
The Huntley - Brinkley Report
NBC News
The Pull-Out
The graph below displays the level of
American troops in South Vietnam from the beginning of 1959 to the end of March 1973. The drop began shortly after Nixon took
office in January 1969.

Nixon with Henry Kissinger, National Security Advisor

NIxon with Nguyen Van Thieu, President of South Vietnam Establishing diplomatic relations with Red China
President Richard Nixon and Mao Tse-tung in February 1972.
Nixon visited China. The Week that Changed the World Arms
limitation agreements with the Soviet Union
Nixon and Leonid Brezhnev, Soviet leader, in Moscow
in May 1972. Nixon addresses the Soviet Union on Moscow TV May 28, 1972
US National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger and North Vietnamese negotiator Le Duc Tho
a Truce in Paris on 27 January 1973. American soldiers left Vietnam.
The truce was called
"a decent interval". It offered the Americans an exit. The last troops left two months later, in March 1973.
Two years later, on 17 April 1975, Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia,
fell to the Khmer Rouge (Red Khmer/Communist Khmers).
17 avril 1975
Les Khmers rouges ont vidé vide Phnom Penh
Documentaire (58 min.)
Thirteen days later, on 30 April 1975, Saigon, the capital
of South Vietnam, fell to the North Vietnamese.
South Vietnam was dissolved and reunited with North Vietnam under Communist rule.

30 avril 1975 
the capital of Laos, fell to the communist Pathet Lao on 2 December 1975.
All of Indo-China was under communist rule by December 1975.
Every generation wants a war or it is less than the previous generation. The Vietnam War was not a war on the scale of WWII ("Dad's war") or Korea ("Kid brother's war"). It was not a conventional war but
a guerrilla war. After WWII, Americans wanted experience in guerrilla warfare. They got it in Vietnam.
Otherwise, Americans never wanted the war. They wanted out of Vietnam before they got in. It was a martial
action. American soldiers were on occupation duty. The idea of containing
Communism was abandoned early on. Americans talked much of the inevitable pull-out and eventual hand-over. The presence
of American soldiers in Vietnam was merely a delaying action.
American marines complained, as early as 1965, that their missions were often betrayed.
No one but the arms dealers seemed to be serious about Vietnam. More bombs (tonnage) were dropped on
the rural country-side of Indo-China, mostly in Laos, than all the bombs dropped in WWII.
Legendary New York Yankee slugger announces retirement
1 March 1969
Ed Sullivan Show
500th Home Run
May 14, 1967
All of Mickey Mantle's 18 World Series Home runs
Biographical documentary
In four parts
Part 1.
Part 2.
Part 3.
Part 4.
On the Dave Letterman Show
Man on the Moon
July 20 - 21, 1969
Saturn V rocket, carrying the Apollo 11 spacecraft, is
launched from Cape Canaveral in Florida on July 16, 1969.
The crew of Apollo 11: Neil Armstrong, mission commander; Michael
Collins, pilot of the command module, Columbia; and Edwin Aldrin, pilot of the lunar midule, Eagle.
Armstrong and Aldrin landed on the moon on July 20 and stepped onto
the surface the following day, July 21.
They were the first men on the moon.
Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong and the lunar module, Eagle,
on the moon on July 21, 1969.
The astronauts planted the American flag on the moon.
Armstrong and Aldrin spent 21 1/2 hours on the moon.
The Columbia returned to Earth on July 24, splashing
down in the Pacific Ocean, 780 nautical miles southwest of Pearl Harbor in the Hawaiian Islands and 220 n. m. south of Johnston
Shortly after splashdown, President Nixon greets the three astronauts
in their quarantine chamber on board the aircraft carrier USS Hornet.
On June 14, three days before the launch of Apollo 11, the Soviet
Union launched Luna 15, an unmanned spacecraft, to retrieve rock and dust samples from the moon. Luna 15 reached
lunar orbit on June 17 and descended towards the moon surface on June 21, while Armstrong and Aldrin were there. Luna 15 crashed.
On Her Majesty's Secret Service
James Bond
Excerpt from the movie - the Ski chase
Diana Rigg and George Lazenby
BBC Concert Orchestra
Royal Albert Hall
The Netherlands Recordings
Bertrand Russell
1872 - 1970
Bertrand Russell
Interview by Romney Wheeler
Russell's home in Surrey, England.
Bertrand Russell
Face to Face Interview
Earl Bertrand Russell
Speaking Personally
Interview with John Chandos
Recorded on 11 - 12 April 1961 at Bertrand Russell s house in North Wales
List of Topics:
Childhood and Earliest Memories
Life Begins at Cambridge
Eccentrics and Personages
Robert Browning and Alfred Tennyson
Mr Gladstone
Lytton Strachey and Family
Bertrand Russell in prison
Cause and Effects of World War I, H. H. Asquith
Approach to the Abyss
Man's Peril and Neutrality
Einstein's Last Act
A Meeting with Lenin
Scandal in New York
Christ versus Christianity
Morality and Hypocrisy
Lawrence, Shaw, Einstein, Conrad
Background to National Greatness
Original Thinking and Persecution
USSR and USA-the Conflict
Education and Tolerance
Survival and Unilateral Disarmament
Religion and Fear
Bertrand Russell interview
Alan Watts
(4 parts)
1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MybClNntaI
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tw7wqmsyX4w
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyqqBrDnUeQ
4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9KFGNYAiAz8
Death of Bertrand Russell
CBS broadcast (1970)
Charles De Gaulle
Lille, France 22 November 1890 - Colombey-les-Deux-Églises, France, 9 November 1970
L'appel du 18 Juin
Appel du 18 juin 1940 par le Général de Gaulle
Discours enregistré le 22 juin 1940
Charles De Gaulle
Dans une émission commune, hommage au président Charles DE GAULLE, décédé le 9 novembre 1970, peu après 19 heures.
10 novembre 1970
Discours du Général de Gaulle de l'Hôtel de ville,
le 25 août 1944
De Gaulle in Paris
Lowell Thomas
Allocution du Général DE GAULLE
radiodiffusée et télévisée
prononcée au palais de l'Elysée, le 25 avril 1969
2 jours avant le référendum sur la régionalisation et la réforme du sénat
Histoire d'un Geant
Continue to next page, 31, End of Empire.

